Sound Devices Logo Excellent Production Sound Field Recording

Why Sound Devices?

From packed stadiums to houses of worship, global tours to large outdoor festivals, and everywhere in between. 

There's an array of applications that can be transported into a new world of unparalleled sound quality, thanks to Sound Devices’ newest Astral®-family wireless products.

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Pocket-sized portability

With three crystal-clear, ultra low-noise Kashmir preamps, you can record multiple actors, multiple podcasters, or audio for small productions with superior quality – all the way up to a 32-bit float bit depth and a 192 kHz sample rate. 

This generation of Sound Devices’ award-winning MixPre Series has been redesigned for increased performance and an astounding 142 dB of dynamic range.  

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Sound Devices Wireless Transmitter Pocket Sized Recorders

The Astral Wireless Solutions
Astral-family products have garnered many awards for their groundbreaking features

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The 8-Series
Designed specifically for the sound professional’s workflow, the Scorpio, 888, and 833 excel in any production scenario. Each portable mixer-recorder possesses unprecedented recording power, a fully-customizable routing matrix, and a rugged, efficient interface

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Mix Pre-II Series
If you record field audio, sound effects, podcasts, voice-overs, music, 
audio for film, or are just starting your audio journey, the MixPre-3 II is for you!

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Portable Audio Essentials
Solutions for your audio that's extremely versatile and easy to use.

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